• New Jersey State Board of Physical Therapy Examiners (Course Approval #2210-96)
  • Ohio Physical Therapy Association (Course Approval #22S2851).
  • American Physical Therapy Association (AOTA) Approved Provider (Course Approval #6634).
Buy this course
Price: $120
Course Date
October 25th, 2024 ( 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM US/Eastern)
Course hours
3.0 hrs

Clinical interest in Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies continues to increase. Among CAM approaches, Acupressure is recognized as an effective non-pharmacologic therapeutic modality for symptom management. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), a branch of NIH, pain is the most common reason for seeking medical care1.

Acupressure is widely considered to be a noninvasive, low cost, and efficient complementary alternative medical approach to alleviate pain. Acupressure involves the application of pressure to acupuncture points located along the energy meridians of the body. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) believes in Meridian theory and energy channels which are connected to the function of the visceral organs. These acupoints are thought to exert certain psychologic, neurologic, and immunologic effects to balance optimum physiologic and psychologic functions2.

This continuing education course is a one-day seminar that offers participants an evidence based perspective on the application of Acupressure in a healthcare setting. Participants will be provided with Self- Acupressure point mapping instructions during the course as well as educated on how to integrate Acupressure to bring a holistic perspective to their clinical practice. Labs will be interspersed with lectures throughout the course to reinforce core concepts of an Acupressure practice to provide Stress & Pain relief.

Special Considerations and Lab materials

The labs for this course will involve external whole body palpation and mapping of acupressure points. Participants are encouraged to buy a pack of 1 inch diameter white circle stickers to be used in Labs for mapping acupressure points.

Target Audience

This continuing education seminar is targeted to physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses and other rehabilitation professionals who use manual therapy as a treatment modality and treat pain patients in a wide variety of clinical settings. Knowledge of acupressure points with specific anatomical landmarks will enable clinicians to add to their toolbox skills for treating patients who present with anxiety and chronic pain.

Recommended resources

It is recommended that participants purchase an Acupressure Point Chart for ease of following the course work and labs in this course. It is recommended to buy a copy at: https://acupressure.com/products/acupressure-charts/


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify indications of using specific Acupressure points individually and in a wellness program for pain relief and symptom management.
    • Recognize the mechanisms & functions of Endorphins, their effect on Chronic pain and how working on specific acupressure points can influence the autonomic nervous system.
    • Examine the current evidence for using acupressure to treat pain , nausea, fatigue and symptom management.
    • Teach key Acupressure potent points for Pain relief.
    • Demonstrate and teach self- acupressure techniques and applications utilizing live instruction format.
  • Self-care and wellness guidelines for home use and how to integrate Acupressure into traditional rehabilitation interventions.

Course Date
October 25th, 2024 ( 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM US/Eastern)
Course Location
Online via
Course hours
3.0 hrs ( LIVE online learning ) . All times in EST.
11:00 Introduction and the role of Endorphins.
11:15 Evidence based applications of Acupressure for symptom management.
11:45 Review of Acupressure practice and precautions.
11:55 Indications and use of 10 potent Acupressure points for pain relief.
12:15 Self palpation and mapping of key Acu points.
12:30 Break
12:45 LIVE Instructed Lab – Mapping Key acupressure points on the Large Intestine, Heart, Bladder, Stomach, Gall bladder and Liver meridians.
1:45 Case scenario, questions and discussion Wellness and self-care regimens: Integrating Acupressure into rehabilitation interventions.
2:15 Adjourn

  • Pain: Considering Complementary Approaches published by National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health.2019.
  • Monson E, Arney D, Benham B, et al. Beyond Pills: Acupressure Impact on Self-Rated Pain and Anxiety Scores. J Altern Complement Med. 2019;25(5):517-521.
  • Lee EJ, Frazier SK. The efficacy of acupressure for symptom management: a systematic review. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2011;42(4):589-603.
  • Bazarganipour, F., Taghavi, S.-A., Allan, H., Beheshti, F., Khalili, A., Miri, F., … Salari, S. (2017). The effect of applying pressure to the LIV3 and LI4 on the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome: A randomized clinical trial. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 31, 65–70.
  • Ebrahimi A, Tayebi N, Fatemeh A, Akbarzadeh M. Investigation of the role of herbal medicine, acupressure, and acupuncture in the menopausal symptoms: An evidence-based systematic review study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2020;9(6):2638-2649.

Scope of Practice

This course content is ONLY intended for participants within the regulatory scope of practice of their license. By registering for this course you take full responsibility for knowing what lies within and what is outside the professional scope of your practice.

Acupressure: Integrative Healthcare for Stress & Pain Relief Part 2

Buy this course
Price: $120
Contact hours
3.0 hrs
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